17 September, 2005
I know what you're saying.
Over seen this one. Once again don't go all in against someone who has been winning right along and has a chip lead on you. It appears to me no matter how bad their cards (or how good yours) they will suck out.

Later the same night I try again. this is the 4th hand.

Over saw this one. The player who has a chip lead and wins here is also the chip leader and one who wins in the next screen grab.
Did you play in a sit n' go tourney today and lose to a bad beat that only happens a few times a year to a player in a casino but daily on line? Of course I did.

Here I am at the final table. The seat in the lower section has already taken out 4 players. They have AK he has J7 and gets deal JJ and so on. Here it's my small blind. I have only 4k and he goes all in so I call. You try and guess the rest.

Later the same night I try again. this is the 4th hand.

Over saw this one. The player who has a chip lead and wins here is also the chip leader and one who wins in the next screen grab.
Did you play in a sit n' go tourney today and lose to a bad beat that only happens a few times a year to a player in a casino but daily on line? Of course I did.

Here I am at the final table. The seat in the lower section has already taken out 4 players. They have AK he has J7 and gets deal JJ and so on. Here it's my small blind. I have only 4k and he goes all in so I call. You try and guess the rest.

16 September, 2005
Today's go
I was moved to this table and got dealt pocket 10s. I go all in and get this stupid call

Next hand seat 8 went all in and I called with the 675 I had left and made a pair and won. Then the next hand I get dealt an A and either being on tilt or just having gave up I move all in and get yet another stupid call from the same player 2 hands before
Idiots paradise

At this final table I had 6k. I sat back and watched the chip leader out draw over and over taking 4 players out. He finally lost a hand to seat 4 and I was dealt 77 the very next hand so I move all in.

It never changes.

Next hand seat 8 went all in and I called with the 675 I had left and made a pair and won. Then the next hand I get dealt an A and either being on tilt or just having gave up I move all in and get yet another stupid call from the same player 2 hands before
Idiots paradise

At this final table I had 6k. I sat back and watched the chip leader out draw over and over taking 4 players out. He finally lost a hand to seat 4 and I was dealt 77 the very next hand so I move all in.

It never changes.
15 September, 2005
Today's SNG. DDSS
Look who has won 90% of every hand dealt. What a joke.

Very next one. I don't like slow playing big pockets. I of course go all in with KK. But, when Mr auto dealt win after win called I knew I had lost before I even saw his cards.

Very next one. I don't like slow playing big pockets. I of course go all in with KK. But, when Mr auto dealt win after win called I knew I had lost before I even saw his cards.

You can't make this shit up.
And you don't have to. I don't know what it is. Does the software reward risky play and punish tight play? I don't know, but I do play tight. I played in 2 Sit 'N Go tourneys today.
All in after the flop I get called by bingo player with a K 3. What a stupid call. I moved all in. Any decent player would have to put me on at least a K with a decent kicker. I had 2 pair and he was beat. Of course it's on line poker so he is dealt a K on the turn.

Again playing tight. I get 25 on my big blind. The flop comes 25Q and the Player (who has a Q) bets 200 into me. I of course go all in and he of course calls. Again I have this player beat. But wait this is on line poker.

All in after the flop I get called by bingo player with a K 3. What a stupid call. I moved all in. Any decent player would have to put me on at least a K with a decent kicker. I had 2 pair and he was beat. Of course it's on line poker so he is dealt a K on the turn.

Again playing tight. I get 25 on my big blind. The flop comes 25Q and the Player (who has a Q) bets 200 into me. I of course go all in and he of course calls. Again I have this player beat. But wait this is on line poker.

12 September, 2005
Another look at the chip leader
From my observations. If they go all in preflop and get called by someone with more chips (which of course is not uncommon) the chip leader will more often then not win.
These are all from one SNG today.

These are all from one SNG today.

11 September, 2005
It's getting beyond laughable.
First SNG today. All in preflop with JJ

Second SNG today
All in preflop with Big Slick

I give up. Again.

Second SNG today
All in preflop with Big Slick

I give up. Again.
10 September, 2005
Riddle me this...
09 September, 2005
Another look at THE SEAT
Player went all in preflop with QQ of course. 99 calls and so does...

Very next hand

...and 2 or 3 hands later

You get the picture. I hope.

Very next hand

...and 2 or 3 hands later

You get the picture. I hope.
08 September, 2005
...and the next day
All in preflop with suited connectors. Only way he wins is to get dealt a 3. He has 2 outs. Think he'll get it?

All in preflop with suited connectors. Get called (For over 4k I might add) by Q 4. Who do you think is a favorite in this hand?

All in preflop with suited connectors. Get called (For over 4k I might add) by Q 4. Who do you think is a favorite in this hand?

06 September, 2005
Today's SNG
04 September, 2005
Played in a couple Sit 'N Go tourneys today.
Lucky me I got dealt JJ. Oh Joy!

Can you guess who had won every hand so far? Hint he is in the hand but the only one who still has over 3k in his stack. Think he'll win again? Oh the suspense is killing me.

One player has AK, another has Q 10 clubs and the last has 7 8 clubs. Who wins? Oh yeah 7 8 clubs has won just about every hand.

Next game first hand. "Shuffle up and deal!"


Can you guess who had won every hand so far? Hint he is in the hand but the only one who still has over 3k in his stack. Think he'll win again? Oh the suspense is killing me.

One player has AK, another has Q 10 clubs and the last has 7 8 clubs. Who wins? Oh yeah 7 8 clubs has won just about every hand.

Next game first hand. "Shuffle up and deal!"

03 September, 2005
Pocket Pairs For Everyone!
Just a few more "random" deal shots.