26 May, 2005
All in and the magic seat.
I played in a Sit 'n Go tournament tonight and one player announced I have to go I'm all in. We of course figured this was a cheap ploy, but he got a call from AK and Mr I have to go won with chit cards. OK. He says sorry and announces his cards to everyone each time and goes all in. He won 3 in a row taking out 3 players. It is now my big blind and he announces he has 3 8 and goes all in. Lucky me I have A 3 suited and call. As he said he has 3 8 offsuit. He would need 4567 to be dealt to get a straight. He would need 4 suited cards to be dealt to get a flush ( I would only need 3 diamonds). Realistically the ONLY way he will beat me is to get dealt an 8 (Since we both have 3s) and no Ace be dealt.