21 March, 2005
This is the blog that dares ask the question.
I've played poker at least once a week for over 20 years now. I played almost every day when I lived in Las Vegas. I no longer live in Las Vegas, but do live near a casino and still play often. And in those games I have had my share of bad beats. But, based on my experience I have to say the dealing on line leaves me saying hmmmmm way too often.
The 2 big hmmms
1.) You can go an hour with out seeing a pocket pair and then all of a sudden everyone has pocket pairs at the same time. And one will more often than not get a set.
Such as this:

This is particularly interesting because of the cards that were dealt and when they were dealt. As it turns out with this hand it was early in the tourney and and the pocket 5s went all in preflop. The pocket As called all in and the 7s which had won the previous pot called. But, what if they hadn't been all in? If you had pocket 5s and you flopped a set (made three of a kind on the flop) would you then go all in? If you had pocket 7s and you flopped a set would you then go all in? If you had pocket Aces and the flop was all low cards, none of them suited for a flush draw and no straight draw would you go all in? The answer is most of the time YES if you want to win. You can't let people out draw you in Texas Hold 'em. In this hand if they were not all in all 3 players would have to believe they had the best hand after the flop and then would go all in. Hmmmmmmmm.
2.) One or two seats at every table seem to win often. No matter what the game is, no matter how bad their starting cards are they outdraw over and over and over. 8 or 9 players at the table and yet 2 seats win again and again and again. I've seen hot seats in my casino poker play. I've been the benefactor of it. But, on line 1 or 2 seats seam to win over all the other seats no matter if everyone plays to the river or not. I have heard people say it's because on line (especially in free rolls) people play more hands or chase more etc. But if more are playing more hands and chasing to the river why would 1 or 2 seats be winning such a disproportionate amount of the pots at every table in every tourney? I mean if any of this true. And it's really just my observations here that make me say hmmmmmm.
Although I am mainly using one online site in my examples rest assured I have tried dozens of sites (certainly all the well known and widely used ones) and I see little difference in the dealing between them. In my opinion the site I'm using in these examples is probably the better of the lot. Some of the sites are so bad and so blatant I wonder why anyone plays there.
Here we see another site. These are two hands back to back. Notice the players stacks at the table.

More to come.
The 2 big hmmms
1.) You can go an hour with out seeing a pocket pair and then all of a sudden everyone has pocket pairs at the same time. And one will more often than not get a set.
Such as this:

This is particularly interesting because of the cards that were dealt and when they were dealt. As it turns out with this hand it was early in the tourney and and the pocket 5s went all in preflop. The pocket As called all in and the 7s which had won the previous pot called. But, what if they hadn't been all in? If you had pocket 5s and you flopped a set (made three of a kind on the flop) would you then go all in? If you had pocket 7s and you flopped a set would you then go all in? If you had pocket Aces and the flop was all low cards, none of them suited for a flush draw and no straight draw would you go all in? The answer is most of the time YES if you want to win. You can't let people out draw you in Texas Hold 'em. In this hand if they were not all in all 3 players would have to believe they had the best hand after the flop and then would go all in. Hmmmmmmmm.
2.) One or two seats at every table seem to win often. No matter what the game is, no matter how bad their starting cards are they outdraw over and over and over. 8 or 9 players at the table and yet 2 seats win again and again and again. I've seen hot seats in my casino poker play. I've been the benefactor of it. But, on line 1 or 2 seats seam to win over all the other seats no matter if everyone plays to the river or not. I have heard people say it's because on line (especially in free rolls) people play more hands or chase more etc. But if more are playing more hands and chasing to the river why would 1 or 2 seats be winning such a disproportionate amount of the pots at every table in every tourney? I mean if any of this true. And it's really just my observations here that make me say hmmmmmm.
Although I am mainly using one online site in my examples rest assured I have tried dozens of sites (certainly all the well known and widely used ones) and I see little difference in the dealing between them. In my opinion the site I'm using in these examples is probably the better of the lot. Some of the sites are so bad and so blatant I wonder why anyone plays there.
Here we see another site. These are two hands back to back. Notice the players stacks at the table.

More to come.
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my girl best!!!
That's pretty damning evidence. Have you contacted any law enforcement agencies or anything like that? I really think you should go public with this. Let me know how it goes.
That's pretty damning evidence. Have you contacted any law enforcement agencies or anything like that? I really think you should go public with this. Let me know how it goes.
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