17 April, 2005
Oh My Huh?
Ever play Omaha? Today I played in a NL Omaha High Low tourney. Omaha is just like Hold 'Em except you are dealt 4 cards in which you must use 2 cards from your hand and 3 from the board. In high low the high hand and low hand (5 cards under a value of 8 (i.e. A,2,3,4,5 is a nut low hand and a great high hand since it's a straight)) split the pot. So the typical bingo player skills you see in freerolls comes into play and this guy goes all in. With not the best hand for low since A 2 beats A 5 for low. As does A 3, A 4, 2 3, 2 4, 3 2 & 3 4. He does have A K which is a great hand in Hold 'Em, but not really an all in preflop hand in Omaha. So having A 2 which will give me nut low and almost guarantee me half the pot if any 3 low cards (cards from A -8) are dealt I call. Imagine my delight to see I flopped a set (222). I then noticed two hearts and even though our hold cards hadn't been flipped up yet I knew he must have 2 hearts (He had doubled up on the previous hand you'll notice) to go with the 2 on the board and another would follow. And like the sun rising and setting the deal didn't disappoint or deviate from the expected deal.